
为鼓励交流, 大会将评选最佳文章,最优报告文章等奖项

Best Paper Award


1. The TPC Chairs will propose short-listed candidates for the Best Paper Awards (accounted for top 10% score of all submissions). Candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria:

- The paper should make a significant contribution to the relevant field, and should be well written.
- The paper must have been received by the submission deadline.
- The paper has not been submitted for publication or has been accepted for presentation elsewhere.
- At least one of the authors presents the paper in person at the ICCCBDA 2025.

2. The Conference Awards Chairs will organize an Awards Committee to select 10 best paper awards from the short-listed candidates, which is also accounted for 1.5% of all submissions.
3. Each author of the Best Paper Awards will receive a certificate and Gift.

Best Oral Presentation Award

For every session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.

Best Poster Award

All the accepted and registed poster papers.
It will be selected by poster session chairs.